Published: 12 Feb 2024 by Roxanne Opas
Network Huddles,
Global Mobility
Did you know that Edinburgh Castle is built on an extinct volcano? This provided a grand backdrop for our Edinburgh Huddle, with global mobility professionals joining from all over the UK. Despite
this stunning location, we broke the ice by finding out our dream destinations to live and (remote) work from. Amongst obvious answers such as Hawaii and Fiji, we also counted a Disney cruise ship and a vineyard!
Is tax equalisation dead? Gemma Buxton and Jo-Anne Allen from Vialto Partners stoked up a discussion all about this. We looked at the pros of tax equalisation, the cons, and the shift of focus to more equality and fairness within organisations. Is it morally right to have 2 employees in the same country, same salary, paying different taxes? Equally is it very difficult to convince organisations and employees to change the ways they have been used to for many years?
As we heard from the tables around the room it quickly became clear that tax equalisation is not dead, with many still using it regularly, but there is an interest in alternative tax approaches and the all-important cost and time reduction. We think we might see some interesting developments in this area over the next few years!The first huddle session was voted in by the room and (drumroll please) the winner was remote working! We looked at risk appetites in different companies, the extra cost/resource it could need and how all of this could work with a push to return to the office. A close second was strategic global mobility and we talked about how to collaborate with other teams, educate the business and “get a seat at the table”.
Next up, Carla Kerr gave us a brilliant update on global mobility at CMS. CMS, understandably, take a very low risk position and everything is very compliance driven. They have opened up a hub in Hungary and have been moving employees from Ukraine to safety. Carla now has her work cut out trying to get to grips with the ROI for personal relocations!
Vialto Partners were back with Andrea Als and Jennifer Harryman helping us to understand our responsibilities with illegal working. Penalties for incorrect right to work checks are about to increase and it’s important to know who in your organisation completes right to work checks and what to do if the Home Office make contact. Journalists are also actively looking for “scandals” and it is important to be proactive, rather than reactive. Get those policies updated!Hot potatoes really were hot this time and we covered a range of questions in the room from assignment trends to cross border working. We also had a lot of discussion around policy reviews, perhaps sparked by the immigration and tax updates throughout the day!
The most hotly anticipated game in global mobility was next, perspective playground. The room was literally split into 2 as each side constructed arguments and business cases for and against lump sum policies. Arguments were flung from both sides about control, flexibility, different needs and guinea pigs. Did you know it’s illegal to own one guinea pig in Switzerland?...
We rounded off the day with networking drinks in the glamourous Waldorf Astoria hotel and made connections and stories to take back home with us. Please do come and do this all again, or perhaps for the first time, we’re a friendly bunch – You can browse and book all of our events here.